Quality Tourism Australia
Tailored web platform for the Australian Tourism Industry Council

ATIC Australia
About the project
The Quality Tourism Platform consist of a suite of websites for the Australian Tourism Industry Council. It has an API (Application Programming Interface) centric-design, where a central web application controls majority of the data source and business rules for all the user facing websites. This design makes integration with third party services a lot simpler and allows the sharing of resources more convenient.

Quality Tourism Australia
This is ATIC’s corporate website. The website uses a Data Estate WordPress plugin – Data Estate Connector, to connect with the Trust The Tick API for displaying Tourism Awards listings.
Trust The Tick
Trust The Tick is the primary consumer website that showcases businesses who have been accredited with the Quality Tourism Accreditation or have won an Australian tourism Award.
Star Ratings Australia
Star Ratings Australia showcases Star Rated accommodations around Australia. The website has been updated to link with the Trust The Tick API in 2018 when ATIC taken over the Star Ratings Australia’s program.

Trust The Tick Admin System
The TTT Admin System is the backend content manager for both Trust The Tick and Star Ratings Australia website. It’s a Graphic User Interface for interacting with the API.
Data Estate proposed an API-centric design for the project, where a central API holds all the database connections and business logic while consumer websites can connect to the API for all shared functionalities. This design allowed the addition of new websites into the ecosystem and integration with third party softwares a lot simpler and efficient.
Primary technology stack involved in this project includes: PHP, AngularJS and MongoDB.

The Quality Tourism platform began in 2016 as a modernisation project for Australian Tourism Industry Council (ATIC)’s Trust The Tick website. The initial project had following requirements:
- Modernise the website’s design and making it mobile friendly.
- Display Quality Tourism accredited Tourism Businesses in a search view.
- Integrate with Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW)’s tourism content.
In 2018, with the acquisition of Star Ratings Australia and the new branding – Quality Tourism Framework, a new project was initiated to apply the new branding, build the new Star Ratings Australia website and enhance various features of existing websites.